
2020 Season Update

Published Fri 15 May 2020

Dear Victorian Sculling Association members,

You've probably been wondering what is happening with the 2020 series, so here is an update.

Our permit application languishes with Parks which has told us the permit will take six weeks to process after the government gives the go ahead for large events to be run. It is becoming increasingly unlikely that we will manage an on-water series at all this year.

In the meantime the executive has taken it on itself to devise a virtual series, and we will be announcing this today. The virtual series will be open to anybody who can access an ergo between Tuesday and Saturday each week. It will be free. Entrants will email to register, and each week will email in their ergo time.

We will run the normal program (Albert Park - 5km, RTI - 7km, handicap series with base times developed from the first two events, etc).

For the handicap races, everybody will be assigned to heats, will row 2000m and report their time. This will be adjusted by their time handicap to give placings winner for each heat. The handicappers will then adjust base times for the following week.

Expect announcements today!
